Tuesday, April 30, 2013

more trees!!!!!

So this week i took pictures of the trees around my house that i haven't already showed you. These trees are right outside of my house and they are beautiful this time of the year. The bottom one is called a dogwood tree and the one on top is called a Japanese red maple.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

rainy day post

Today i decided to post the different trees in my back yard. i had no idea that there was so many different types of trees out there. The tree in the top right is called Norway maple, the one in the bottom right is called a purple beech, the last large one on the left is called a shag bark hemlock. All of the trees are pretty cool. The purple beech has beautiful purple leafs when its in full bloom. The shag bark hemlock is very cool too you can see that the bark is almost peeling off. and i think it has icy growing up the bark. i need to do more research on the plant growing up the shag bark.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My pm post

Last week I went out side around 10pm and took a picture about every 5 minutes. the first 20 minutes were not any fun because I didn't see anything but around, 25 minutes in I was lucky enough to see a new England cottontail. Native to the New England area they are in the decline and can no longer be found in Vermont and are starting to disappear in Rhode Island. This is the web sight if you want to Learn more about these cool rabbits. www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/17/us-newengland-idUSTRE78G2EO20110917