Last week I went out side around 10pm and took a picture about every 5 minutes. the first 20 minutes were not any fun because I didn't see anything but around, 25 minutes in I was lucky enough to see a new England cottontail. Native to the New England area they are in the decline and can no longer be found in Vermont and are starting to disappear in Rhode Island. This is the web sight if you want to Learn more about these cool rabbits.
I feel like these are the same exact rabbits that are making a mess of my back yard currently. So many rabbit holes its driving my dog nuts!
ReplyDeleteInteresting post on the native bunny. I have two pet bunnies a mini rex and a lion head and they can be quite destructive within the house from wires to wood trim. I also remember what they have done to my mother's gardens in the past as well.
ReplyDeleteJames, what makes you so sure this is a New England Cottontail and not an Eastern Cottontail?