Tuesday, March 26, 2013

beautiful day in james' backyard

Today was a beautiful day to sit outside of my house and view what was around me. While walking around my house i noticed some more things that i wanted to share with you guys, first I found some moss on a brick that had been out all winter. The second thing i found was in the garden next to the porch, The plant is called chrysanthemum or mums for short. its a plant that comes out in the spring and makes beautiful flowers also native to asia and northeastern Europe.


  1. That’s cool man I think of something different when I hear the word mum not moss. But you always learn something new. Sure does look like a great day to check out some moss.

  2. I love chrysanthemums, can't wait to see those bloom! you should keep us posted as they grow. awesome pictures.

  3. I just googled a picture of what they look like when they grow and i agree you should keep us posted with pictures in the spring!

  4. Mums are great plants, they are hearty and different varieties bloom at different times throughout the year. I have always personally associated them with fall.

  5. A lot of people throw out their mums at the end of fall, but they can make it through the winter and grow again. Sometimes, they look a little scraggly or weird after their first year, which is why some people toss them. We'll see how the mums in your yard look in a month or so...
